The Internet is one of the cheapest ways to market your business and obtain free publicity, as long as you're willing to spend the time it takes to spread your name far and wide. Your task is easier if you have your own website. But even if you can't afford that just yet, you still have many options:
1. Become an active member of forums or discussion boards. Blatant commercialism is discouraged, but hang around some of these forums long enough, offer free advice and before long people will be asking what else you know–and possibly what kind of product or service you sell. Start blogging. Anyone can create a blog for free, and blog postings get better search engine rankings than articles at a website, like this one.
2. Check out the website of the media outlet where you want to be mentioned. It might have contests, special offers, guest books or other features designed to find out more about you.
3. Many newspapers and magazines feature "hot websites." Ask them to visit yours.
4. Write articles for electronic newsletters and magazines. In exchange for your article, most editors will let you write a generous tagline telling readers what you do and how to contact you. If you don't have the time to write articles, subscribe to other people's free newsletters. Give the editor free advice, tips and nuggets of helpful information for their newsletter, in exchange for using your name and e-mail address.
1. Become an active member of forums or discussion boards. Blatant commercialism is discouraged, but hang around some of these forums long enough, offer free advice and before long people will be asking what else you know–and possibly what kind of product or service you sell. Start blogging. Anyone can create a blog for free, and blog postings get better search engine rankings than articles at a website, like this one.
2. Check out the website of the media outlet where you want to be mentioned. It might have contests, special offers, guest books or other features designed to find out more about you.
3. Many newspapers and magazines feature "hot websites." Ask them to visit yours.
4. Write articles for electronic newsletters and magazines. In exchange for your article, most editors will let you write a generous tagline telling readers what you do and how to contact you. If you don't have the time to write articles, subscribe to other people's free newsletters. Give the editor free advice, tips and nuggets of helpful information for their newsletter, in exchange for using your name and e-mail address.
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